Missycrownproducer vรคlkomnar dig!
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DJ Missycrownproducer spelar och sjunger/ rappar frรฅn sjรคlen och slรฅr ihop konst, berรคttande och musik i perfekt harmoni.
DJ Missycrownproducer plays and sings / raps from the soul and combines art, storytelling and music in perfect harmony.
Musik skapad av DJ/ producentย MissyCrown.
Music created by DJ/ producer MissyCrown.
Fรถdd att producera/ Born to produce
Missycrown har haft en enorm inverkan som talangfull Elektronisk musiker under hela sin karriรคr. Hennes rรคckvidd och talang har gjort henne till en musikalisk kraft att rรคkna med. Lyssna pรฅ hennes senaste slรคpp hรคr nedan.
Missycrown has had a huge impact as a talented Electronic Musician throughout her career. Her reach and talent have made her a musical force to be reckoned with. Listen to her latest release below.
Kontakt/ Contact
Om MissyCrown/ About MissyCrown
MissyCrown รคr en Hardcore Producent/ Dj. Hon pรฅbรถrjade sina professionella framgรฅngar รฅr 2000 dรฅ hennes fรถrsta rosade release kom ut. Hon har tagit sig an otaliga hinder pรฅ vรคgen upp, och fortsรคtter jobba hรฅrt varje dag fรถr att hennes musikaliska resa ska utvecklas.
Missy producerar ocksรฅ andra genrer som Trap, hiphop, afrobeats, 80-90 tals inspirerat electro, klassiskt inspirerat. Hennes trademark รคr "mashups" dรคr Missy blandar olika genrer som blir till slut hennes Nisch och egen stil. Hennes sound รคr unikt och omfattande som uppskattas runt om i hela vรคrlden.
Har rรถstats fram pรฅ en topp 1000 lista i USA flera gรฅnger inom genren Hardcore.
MissyCrown is a Hardcore Producer / Dj. She began her professional success in 2000 when her first acclaimed release came out. She has tackled countless obstacles on the way up, and continues to work hard every day to develop her musical journey. Missy also produces other genres such as Trap, hip hop, afrobeats, 80s-90s inspired electro, classically inspired. Her trademark is "mashups" where Missy mixes different genres that eventually become her niche and own style. Her sound is unique and comprehensive that is appreciated around the world.
Has been voted on a top 1000 list in the US several times in the genre Hardcore.